One of the main reasons why japanese modern architecture stood out to me was because of its ability to fuse together tradition with modernity in order to create a specific environment in which an individual may feel peace. Just by looking at the picture above, we don’t feel any sort of hectic emotions sparking off, rather a more centered and somewhat spiritual one. That’s why i think modern day japanese interiors are great; they are great at serving their purpose. Each architectural style have a particular function, for example, a neo futuristic style is used to create a more advanced and distinctive style than what we see normally around us, gothic architecture focuses on detail and will mainly focus around cathedrals and bigger buildings to create a more ominous but divine feeling; which is a perfect environment for worship to be held.
In my opinion, i think japanese architecture revolves mainly around bungalows and low ceiling type houses. It also consists of a more minimalistic touch and is able to use the space around them to not only create an orderly environment but one where we are able to move about freely and do certain activites that requires us to use the space around us. Most modern day houses make use of artificial lighting even during the day which is not only a waste of electricity but is also harmful to our health (read more about natural light vs artifical light in the next blog ) However the japanese uses sunlight to light up the living room exposing us to a tranquil environment. Along with natural light, most of them also use plants and trees to give a more natural look to the whole area. So if you are a nature and minimalism lover, a japanese architectural style may be the right one for you!
Whilst many houses use only cement, modern day japanese houses use woodwork to bring about the authenticity which is a relic in and of itslef . We can also fish out that there aren’t many complex shapes coming into play here. These houses mainly consist of basic shapes like rectangles and cricles and simple curves which are only intended to harmonise with the overall design. The furniture they use are also minimalistic and very different to what you find in other homes. If you were to walk into a japanese styled house you would only notice a small number of furniture, that too organised in one small area and not all over the place. In order to also harmonise with nature, most homes would also be having picture windows, particularly found in the living room which again sets up the tranquil environment i was talking about earlier. I will talk about the different types of furniture they use in a japanese styled house perhaps in a later blog, but for now I have gone through what to expect in a japanese styled home. Down to its core, I believe japanese architecture embraces traditional furniture along with nature and minimalism in order to bring forth a spiritual and simple environment. Their play with space, light, vegetation and shapes is what really sticks out to me.